I decided that for this project I wanted to push my ambitions to their limits. I had always been interested in messing around and learning how to use blender, a 3D modeling program, and decided to utilize this project as an excuse to do so. Over the four weeks I worked on this project, I learned how to use blender to sculpt, create, and render my drink packages. For the actual package design, I thought it would be interesting to base each individual package off of a different classic horror movie monster, especially since it was close to Halloween when I made them. The three characters I went with were Frankenstein, Nosferatu, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. I used reference images to get the basic designs down and also tried to put my own creative twists on each of their designs. After I had sculpted the three heads, I then modified them so that they had nozzles and bases so that they could be used as bottles. Afterwards, I learned how to render each of them with a plastic texture so that they appeared to be real bottles. Finally, I set up a digital photoshoot and took pictures of the bottles as final renders.
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